Pearl's Peril Wiki


Paris and Corbigny, France


Plot Summary

  • Pearl and Iris arrive in Paris , hoping to find Léon and retrieve the decoder as proof of Samuel’s murder. They meet Luc , an Interpol agent based in Paris, who is also looking for Léon. There is an immediate spark between him and Pearl .
  • At the Eiffel Tower they see Marina, the Russian woman connected with Léon. Shockingly, they then find a matchbox inscribed to Marina, with love from Samuel.
  • They also find a passport belonging to Léon with the last name Corbigny, and brochure for the French village of the same name. They take an express train to Corbigny.
  • They find Léon’s cottage in the town and Marina arrives briefly on the scene. She snatches Pearl ’s gun from her and advises her not to follow Léon, yet she also offers her condolences to Pearl over Samuel’s death. Whose side is she on?
  • Searching Léon’s cottage, they discover the dead body of Kent Blaylock, Senior Vice President of a New York Bank… associated with the Wallace family.

Key Clues

  • Léon ’s Passport (Paris Café)
  • Tourist Brochure (The Eiffel Tower)
  • Sterling Matchbox (The Eiffel Tower)
  • Rue de la Roche (Village Station)
  • Kent ’s Papers (French Cottage)

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